The Kolovi Olive Cutlivar

The Kolovi variety is indigenous to Lesvos.  It is a lesser-known variety throughout the world and even within Greece.

The Kolovi olive tree grows largely on hilly mountainous terrain rich in slate, up to an altitude of just under 2000 feet (600 meters).  It is well adapted to Lesvos’ limited rainfall and does not need much water. This results in the formation of a wide root system that enables the transfer of important nutrients from the soil to the olive fruit.  The wider the root system the more access to the nutrients in its natural environment.  Unlike commercial grade groves where tractors and machinery are involved with watering, fertilizing, picking, pest and disease control, the tree's root system has essentially been trained to not seek out its natural environment.  

Many of the Kolovi Olive trees have little or no road access and can be reached only by donkey or on foot. The olives are therefore harvested by hand, aided by portable mechanical pickers. The remote access results in very limited amounts of fertilizers and pesticides which results in an olive that is more natural, healthy, and more nutritious.  

In general, all extra virgin olive oils are high in antioxidants, and this is a key factor behind their healthfulness. As a rule, the more the antioxidants, the greater is the bitterness and pungency.  The peppery aftertaste is a great indicator of how loaded the olive oil is with polyphenols also known as antioxidants.  If it makes you cough then you know it's fresh and very nutritious.  The rule of thumb is that the higher the antioxidants the more bitter the taste which does not always make for a delicious olive oil.  The trick to a truly premium extra virgin olive oil is to find the right balance of high antioxidants while maintaining an amazing flavor

A characteristic quality of extra virgin olive oil made from Kolovi olives is its subtle and delicate flavor, fruity aroma and smooth texture, in spite of its high antioxidant content.  Therefore this extra virgin olive oil is an excellent choice for consumers interested in the full taste and health benefits of olive oil, yet dislike the very strong flavors and bitterness commonly found in many oils made from other olive varieties.

In addition to the variety itself, several factors combine to create Kolovi olive oil’s delicate flavors. These include the soil, climatic conditions including the lack of rainfall and abundance of sunshine, and the altitudes at which Kolovi trees thrive.

ACAIA’s and Aeolian Olive’s special quality is that they are well-balanced so that their fruitiness is in excellent harmony with their spiciness. This property makes them ideally suited to any culinary use, from salad dressings, drizzling over steamed vegetables, or as a dip, to cooking and baking, both savory dishes and desserts.